The past couple of weeks I've been chipping away at this rather time consuming and challenging project for a return client turned friend. This cabinet will be in Downtown Raleigh in the PNC building in one of the penthouse condos! It will be right inside when you walk in, and will be a glorified cabinet for my client's shoe collection.
It's always tricky working with the epoxy, and this project has been no exception. Keeping it solid black and not showing any imperfections is always a challenge, and dealing with the heat and it's ability to speed the curing time up too much was something else I have had to be mindful of. The inside has 10 gauge sheet metal painted black for shelves to save room in the cabinet and also look cool. It adds a matching effect with the black epoxy and also will incorporate into the black steel base I'm welding for it and the black metal pulls to be put on soon. You'll see this one finished on our Instagram soon!